When should I have a Will?

People often ask me if they need a Will.

The throw away answer is that if you think you might die one day, then yes, it’s a great idea.

Some people feel that if there are any variables, if their circumstances or assets are in a state of fluctuation, then they don’t feel ready to go ahead with a Will.

Occasionally, people feel they want to be nearer to death, before dealing with their Will.

I always find it interesting to observe how people are thinking.

I believe some people would, if it were possible, like to deal with their Will after they’ve died. Then they’d know which people have pleased them, what their assets are and the exact values at that time.

Alternatively, please accept that you will die one day. If you fall out with people, you can review your Will. If you approach the sharing out of assets by way of percentages, then as values go up and down, the percentage approach, means it’ll be shared out proportionately.

If you’d benefit from running through what would happen to your estate if you die without a Will (the Intestacy Rules), then feel free to chat things through with me.

My office number is 01727 840 240 and my email is jane@jcwillsandprobate.co.uk and I’m always happy to chat.